General information about Mashaudit
The Mashaudit company carries out the professional activity more than 27 years. Over the years, we have significantly expanded the range of services, gained invaluable experience and customer base. We provide services to both legal entities and individuals, small companies and large organizations in various fields of activity.

Why should you contact us?

A wide range of services: audit, accounting, legal.

Mashaudit is a company that is the founder and member of the SRO NP "Moscow Audit Chamber "(SRO RSA), which unites the largest audit companies of the Russian Federation.

We have a license to carry out works related to the use of information constituting a state secret, issued by the FSB of Russia In Moscow and the Moscow region.

Specialists of the company once in 3 years pass quality control of audit activity in SRO RSA.

The Mashaudit company is included in the "Register of audit firms which have positively proved in the market of audit services".

In 2018, the company "Mashaudit" passed the certification of QMS and obtained the certificate of ISO 9001-2015.

To each client the Mashaudit company guarantees: individual approach, high quality of the rendered services, full confidentiality of information, attractive pricing, performance of works in the established terms. Work can be done on a one-time basis or performed on a permanent basis.

Our experts approach comprehensively to any problem of the client, working through to the smallest details the key points of business. We will not only audit the company, but also identify all kinds of tax and financial risks and give recommendations for their elimination. With us, Your business will be protected and prepared to move to the next level.
PJSC SAK "ENERGOGARANT" for 500 000 000 rubles and 250 000 000 rubles for each insured event, insurance term
20.10.2019 to 19.10.2020 (№ 190005-030-000013).