Personnel records management has an impact on the stable and successful work of any organization, so its organization should be approached very seriously. It should be noted that the presence of a personnel Department does not guarantee that personnel records in the company meets all standards and requirements. To avoid the trouble associated with incorrect accounting personnel, seek the services of a professional consulting company.
The Mashaudit company renders professional services in statement and maintaining personnel records more than 27 years. Our specialists are ready to provide you with a competently compiled personnel accounting system that meets all the norms and requirements of labor legislation. By contacting us, you can be sure that personnel records management will be performed at a professional level. We guarantee individual approach, confidentiality and safety of information.
Why do you need personnel records management at the enterprise?
High-quality and timely personnel records at the enterprise will allow: - ensure compliance with labor laws in the company;
- avoid administrative liability for lack of personnel records;
- minimize risks associated with labor disputes;
- lossless to stand the test of the labour and tax inspectorates.
Before providing HR accounting services, our specialists need to: - get acquainted with the client's organization, personnel, personnel service;
- to study the problem and suggest the best ways to solve it;
- make a work plan;
- pre-determine the cost of services;
- enter into a contract for the provision of services.
Competently organized personnel records and records management will allow to avoid confusion in documents, to be sure of reliability of information on employees, to plan work effectively and to be ready to any checks from state bodies. The price for personnel accounting at the enterprise is calculated individually for each client.